Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hey guys! Haven't posted in forever...sorry. Here's a quick update.

Not really. Had some pretty awesome application and scholarship essays, though.

A little. I've been doing a once-a-week Jiu Jitsu/women's self defense class with two of my friends from debate. It's only an hour once a week, but ohmygod it's like the most painful hour of my life. I've never actually worked out for real, and I don't know what I was expecting, but I about died ten minutes into the first class. It's fun though! So I'm always torn between being excited or scared. Today's the last class, but I might see if they have any other programs like this one. I don't have the time to go all-out into martial arts or anything, but I'd love a weekend fitness class.

Ate so much chocolate. Not what I was supposed to do, but I am so happy about it that I don't even care. I'll try to do better this week.

Have been drinking a good amount of water. Not as much this week since I had a five day tournament, but when I'm in my normal life I'm drinking a lot.

Still snacking all the time. I'll try to work on that, too.

Still no soda or fast food!

Even though I've been eating terribly, I've lost two pounds since I weighed myself last month. Weiiird. I don't think it could be from working out, since I don't do enough to really make a difference. Maybe the soda/water swap is responsible? I don't know.

No desserts this week. Including chocolate bars.

One of my friends gave up desserts for lent.  It looks awful, but she's been giving me all her desserts so I've been very happy. Yay atheism! But I think I might try to last a week without it.

Sorry I abandoned this blog for a while. I'm trying to get back on top of everything. I still might not be able to be fully back since I have a couple essays and two new classes starting. So busy with school. But work is over for the year, so I should have more free time than normal! Especially once Nationals is over.

I am sad work is over. I loved my job. I'm going to miss my students. Hopefully I'll be able to visit the team once in a while. I'm trying to find a new coach to replace me, and I think I've got Jakob lined up to take the job. I really hope it works out, he's one of the best people I know to take over. The team would be in great hands if he's able to take over. But I'm jealous! I don't want to leave SA yet.

What else....ummmm. I don't have too much to say. I was sick for like a week straight. Just a cold or something. Still trying to get over the cough. Gahhh. Maybe that's why I lost weight? Though I use sickness as a chance to gorge my face, so I doubt it. Make me better.

Anyway, I have to leave for Jiu Jitsu soon. I'll try to have a new post this week, if I can get through my essays and DI cutting.

How have you guys been doing?

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