Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Best boyfriend ever!

So as I've been talking about on every single post so far, I'm working on fitness resolutions.

But it's haaaaaaaaaard.

Now, this is probably me being a baby, but I liked laying in bed all day and eating all the chocolate in the house. It was awesome. And trying to change that is difficult. And I'm taking on a fairly large amount of goals as far as this goes:

  1. Cutting out fast food
  2. Weekly challenges (no soda this week)
  3. Tracking everything I eat (only way I can be aware of what I put in my body. Otherwise back to 100% chocolate, haha)
  4. Lose 1lb per week
  5. Generally eat healthier
  6. Exercise more!!! Every day, even if it's just jumping jacks or a walk or something. Just get moving.

So it's a lot of lifestyle changes. And I really do want to get them in my life for good, but aaaah it's hard to resist temptations.

But what I realize about myself is that I do much better when I know that people are suffering working on the same exact things I am. So I thought I'd see if anyone I knew would be willing to match me on this. And guess which sweet, amazing person loves me enough to do this with me for a while? Best boyfriend ever.

 I'm not sure how long he's going to stick with it, but he promised to do it for a while to help me get used to the changes. It made me very happy.

I was actually half-joking when I asked him about it. I thought he'd say no since he has no real reason to do any of it (besides the generic "being healthier is good" thing) and it would be pretty hard to convince me to change my whole lifestyle to help someone else. But as soon as I asked, he said he'd do it with me to help me.

Such a sweetheart. I love him.

So that made me pretty happy. And it's really motivating to have someone else to both rely on and be accountable to. Also, it's just so sweet of him. I feel like I can work a lot harder, knowing he's there for me.
Anyway. Done with being mushy now. In other news...

Picnic tomorrow! (errr, later today, technically). Super excited. My plan is to bike to Safeway in the morning to get the food I'm bringing, then bike back home to make it. Then depending on how much of a pain it is to haul everything I need, I'll either bike or drive to the green. Then hours of hanging out with people! 

Today was good, too. Hanging out at the green with people was really nice. It was so hot for January! But it's been a while since we hung out there. Kinda reminded me of high school, actually. It was really fun. I need to get out of the house more, I forget how much I love being outside.

Maybe I'll try to go jogging in Foothills or something soon. The hardest part is just making myself go. Once I'm there, I love it. It's just impossible to remember that when I'm lying around the house. 
Anyway, again. Writer's block sucks. I started a story, but can't figure out quite how to write it. We'll see where it goes.

2AM, I'm gonna try to sleep now. Sorry this isn't too interesting, but it made me happy, so I wanted to post about it. I'll try to have something interesting one of these days, haha. Night, people.

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