Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekly Update: 1/15/12

As I said before, I'm trying to make Sunday the day I post how I did all week as far as progress goes. This week's been pretty good! But just a warning, updates aren't too interesting to read, haha.

I've kept up with blogging really well. I've posted five entries since last Sunday, and I'm working on stories for Danielle's book, which I'll be posting here as well when they're done. I'm just gonna have to see how well I can keep it up once school starts up again on Tuesday. But I should have a pretty light load for a bit, since it's the beginning of the semester.

-I can almost do a push-up. Closer than I've been ever gotten before! Still not quite there, though.

-I've been trying to just do small things to be more active. I park farther away from places I need to go, carrying baskets at the store instead of using a push-cart, etc. I stand most of the time that I would be sitting, too. If I'm watching Netflix in my room I'll try to stand up and watch it instead of lounging around. It felt weird at first, but it's been making it easier to sleep at night, at least.

-I've been doing 100 jumping jacks almost every day. It's probably not much, but it's quick and better than not doing anything.

-Lifting weights, a little bit. Just some dumbbells we had in the house. I want to get at least a little stronger, since I'm so weak now. I moved up from 8lb weights to 10lb ones, but that's still probably pathetic compared to everyone else. It'd be nice to get to 15 soon.

-Ate okay most days. Stuffed my face with junk all day Thursday because I just felt like it, but other than that I ate pretty well. And to deal with my constant wanting to devour all of Powell's, I got chocolate chips and suck on those. Just two or three chips makes me stop craving it so badly. Also, waaay cheaper than buying full things of chocolate at Powell's, since I eat those in one go, haha.

-Drinking a ton of water. If I have a straw, I can drink it all day. If I don't have a straw, I won't touch it. Weird. But I've been drinking like 48-64oz a day, which is about how much you're supposed to, which is good. I just need lots of ice and a straw. The only thing is that I start feeling thirsty now if I go a couple hours without any, which never used o happen.
Also, along with drinking more water, I'm pretty sure I dropped a ton of water weight. Because once I started drinking a lot of water, I dropped like two or three pounds. Which was weird. I looked it up and apparently if you don't drink water, your body holds onto whatever it can get. But if you drink lots of it, you don't feel like you need to store it. So that was kinda cool.

My goal was to not drink any soda. And I did it! Woo hoo!
I'm going to try to still keep it cut down, but I probably won't completely shut it out of my diet yet. It's just so good!
I realized that I have "trigger foods" as far as soda goes. I don't crave soda until I start eating foods that I associate with it. Popcorn and macaroni are the worst. I didn't happen make popcorn this week so that wasn't a problem, but I made macaroni and the second I took a bite I started walking to the fridge out of habit to grab a Dr. Pepper. It was so hard to not drink one! I downed a ton of water, but it still didn't make up for wanting the soda. So I didn't make macaroni again, haha.
It'd be nice to try to cut it out completely at some point. I'll see how long I can go without having another one. It's horrible for my body, but man I love it. Plus what else are you supposed to drink at the movies? It's like culture. #excuses

I think I'll do a two-week challenge. I want to bring lunch from home once school starts up. If I don't bring food, I always go out and buy the most unhealthy thing possible when I get hungry. Panda Express, quesadillas, even TacoBell nachos. Part of it is that bad food tastes the best, so if I'm going to spend money it might as well taste awesome. The other part is that it's pretty hard to eat well when you have Celiac, and all the food around is either fast food or gluten. Even grocery stores: If you want something to eat for lunch, almost all the pre-made food has gluten in it. So I eat fast food and candy.

Hopefully, bringing my own food will cut down on that. I can make sandwiches, bring fruits and vegetables, make noodles to heat up, etc. And once I start work again that'll be really nice. I'll be gone from 9am to 9pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So if I don't bring food, I spend money and eat junk.

Also, I got a new backpack that apparently has a mini lunch pocket? I didn't know that when I ordered it, I just looked again. The little front pouch is insulated and holds food and drinks. So I'm kind of excited to use it.

So for the next two weeks, I want to pack lunch every day. Hopefully a healthy lunch, but even if it's not the best for me at least I save money. I bought yogurt, tons of fruit, deli meat, and those little vegetable packs (sooo good), so I'll be set for a few days as long as I remember to pack it. And if I make noodles or macaroni or anything, I'll refrigerate half of it and use it for lunch the next day (the debate team room has a microwave, so useful!) (so does the cafeteria, but pffft, stupid commoner's microwave) (I MISS DEBATE).

Also, I might make it an unofficial goal to be able to do some curls with the 15lb weights by the end of this week. I think only having the two-week goal that I can't do every day (weekends, plus school hasn't started quite yet) will make me feel like I'm not doing anything. So I'll see if I can safely move to heavier weights by next Sunday.


Anyways, enough with this. I'll try to have an interesting post soon. I have a ton to do, though. Mainly, I have two days to memorize a 10-minute speech. Which I've done before, but it's never fun. At least it's more time than that tournament when I wasn't memorized, but accidentally left my script at home and had to make it up from memory (and I still beat Emma Henry! BESTDAYEVER).

I'll update again before school starts, but if I'm responsible with life I'll be focusing on the speech for now. Ughhh. It's a persuasive, which is the 2nd most boring kind of speech behind informative. Also, half of it is talking about how felon voting rights are discriminatory to black men, and as a white girl I feel awkward going on and on about how unfair it is to black people. At least it's less depressing than my speech about Native American rape last year. But still, I feel much more "white girl saying 'poor minorities!'" in this speech. Qghjqeiflguhw.

ANYWAYS. All done now. Awkward forensics issues aside.

How's everyone else doing with their goals? Two weeks in and I'm holding strong! Hopefully I can keep it up. The public goal thing is really helping me. Just watch out for false accomplishment! According to Professor Richard Wiseman, declaring one big goal ("I'm going to lose 50 pounds this year!") can make you feel like you've already accomplished something, so you're more likely to slack off. But declaring smaller goals and updating progress is really beneficial, since you rightfully feel like you're accomplishing things and it keeps you motivated step by step ("I'm going to lose five pounds this month. This week I lost 1!")

Writing small goals on my calendar helps me, since I can see where I am compared to where I want to be. And if it's on my calendar, I have a good sense of how long I have and I can look back to see how many other goals I reached. And I keep them pretty small and conservative, so I'm more likely to reach them and stay motivated. If I set huge goals, I'm less likely to make them, and then I get really discouraged. So I take what I want to have done and cut it in half. That's my system, anyway. Do you guys do anything like that?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you are doing so well ^^ I am doing pretty good on my goals too.
