Thursday, January 19, 2012

Migraine. School. Gah.

Haven't had a post in a few days, but ohcrapitsthursday.

TL;DR: Debate, migraine all week, stupid freaking school, but a very sweet boyfriend.

We have a debate tournament next weekend, it's the first one I've had in months. I haven't debated in forever! I'm probably gonna get demolished since I completely ignored all news and practice during the break, but ooooh well, having time to be lazy and not worry about anything was totally worth it. I don't really care about this tournament anyway.

ADS is my favorite event, but I won't get to do it since there are no speech events at this one, just debate. ADS is 'after dinner speaking,' also called STE (speech to entertain). They're supposed to be funny speeches about socially significant topics. Mine's about superstition. I love it to death, it's so much fun to perform. I have a video of me giving it at Speech Night, so maybe I'll try to find a way to upload it. I'd love to be able to show more of my friends what I do with my life, and my ADS is perfect since it's only 10 minutes long and apparently pretty funny. Also, even though I'm way more of a debater than a speech person, I'm sure none of you want to watch a 45 minute debate round about infrastructure or China or whatever other random topic we get, haha.

Short post, but I'll have something better tomorrow. Basically just wanted to make my Thursday deadline to keep myself on-track.

Boring update stuff:
Super terrible week. Not as far as goals. Just felt sucky. I've had a constant migraine, so I've been ODing on meds every day. Stomach hurts when I eat. Haven't been able to do anything even resembling exercise because my head starts pounding from just standing up. Drinking TONS of water, though. Which is good in some ways, but I also think that constantly feeling dehydrated is probably not a good thing.

I don't think I'm sick, though. Maybe just exhausted. And pretty much everything is because of my migraine, so once that goes away I'll be fine. It's just not going away. Uuuuugh. killme.

Also eating like crap. But I get incredibly self-pitying when I have migraines and just kind of live terribly when I get them, so it's to be expected. "I can eat nothing but junk food for three days. I have a migraine. I deserve it." "I don't need to do homework. I have a migraine. I deserve it." "I don't have to brush my hair today. I have a migraine. I deserve it." I don't do it when I'm sick, but if I have a migraine I am the most lazy, self-indulgent, full of excuses person ever. But seriously. I totally deserve cake and three Snickers and pizza and ice cream and a popsicle. I have a migraine. Vegetables? Pffffft. Those are for healthy people.

And school started this week. FML. I would write more about that, but I don't think any amount of words could describe to you the intensity and depth of my hatred for school.

On the bright side, Anthony has been very sweet and took me to get a cupcake on Wednesday. So that was nice. I was very happy to have a cupcake.

I'll have something more interesting and less full of self-pity tomorrow, I promise.
(Or not. Because I have a migraine. And I deserve laziness.)
(And chocolate)


  1. I get them chronically, unfortunately. And yeah, I should eat better, but since I know nothing helps them go away faster I just get so sad when I'm both in-pain and chocolate-deprived, haha. Fruit is definitely delicious, though. Not so much apples, but oranges and strawberries and cantaloupe are the best things ever.

    Hopefully this giant one is just from all the changes! And all the changes alongside starting school again. Though honestly, it'll probably keep happening as long as I'm doing any form of extra physical activity (my biggest migraine trigger is exercise/exertion). Taking pills preventatively helps, it just sucks to have to constantly be worried about it. But I guess I'm kind of proud that I've still kept up trying to be more active despite the two weeks of on and off migraines.

  2. I actually laughed when I read the part about migraines, not that you hurting is funny, but I could just hear your self indulgent inner voice in my head. "Go ahead you deserve it, you have a migraine". I totally do that from time to time. Go ahead sleep you deserve it you're so tired, who cares about homework

  3. I know what you mean with the whole not feeling well so I have the excuse to have extra treats. You deserve that chocolate Brenda, you truly do! I'm very sorry about your week and headaches though, I really hope things brighten up for you! And agreed with Danielle, as mind is over matter, sleep is over homework haha! :)
